
Cadillac SRX 2013

The 2013 Cadillac SRX is a beauty. But it takes more than talking to convince your significant- other. This is why Cadillac approached us to design an application that lets you create personalized ads for your better half, whether they're looking for gorgeous design car, greater horse power or a technology powered car.

The app

Cadillac Ad

The app lets you choose one of your Facebook friends and then asks you if they would be convinced by its design, engine or technology. You can then choose the color of the car and click create. The app will automatically create an attention-grabbing ad that won't go amiss on your friend's Timeline. Oh, and when your friend buys the car, you can remind them who recommended it!


The app was well received by the fans as thousands flocked to it in a matter of days to generate their own ads. Over 10,000 ads were created over the course of the first month and hundreds of thousands of comments and Likes were generated as a result.

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